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South African GP. First qualifying practice. Driver´s comments

Fonsi Nieto: ‘The season started this morning for me, because up until now I had not felt comfortable on the bike’.
MotoGP. Valentino Rossi, provisional pole position, 133.442: Today Im feeling better, yesterday my condition was very bad; a high temperature and a pain in my throat. Im coming better now but not 100%. Weve done some good work here we go more than one second faster than last year the bike is feeling good. The surface here is new and there is more grip than last year. However the problem remains the bumps and we still have some work to do on the set-up to make good action in this area. MotoGP. Nicky Hayden, 12th position 134.739: Its my first time here and it feels pretty good. There are a couple of sections that are really fun and I like the high-speed corners. But sure, Ive still got a lot to learn after only two hours! Tomorrow Ill learn more and well be working further on the set-up. Qualifying here will be really important this track is incredibly hard to pass on. Certainly harder than any other GP track Ive ridden. It seemed weird in that session. I kept going faster but my position kept going back! Guess the others were just going faster!  250. Fonsi Nieto, 1.36´777 sec, Provisional pole: I’m very satisfied. The provisional pole feels like more than what it really is. I have improved my times from last year and also broken the lap record on this circuit. The season started this morning for me, because up until now I had not felt comfortable on the bike. My riding style did not completely adapt to this year’s chassis and we decided to work with last year’s again. The track has improved a lot, despite some bumpy sections left. Tomorrow I think we can improve the times even further because the condition of the asphalt will be better than today. 250. Toni Elias, 1.37´387 sec, 6th: It’s been a shame because I had set the fastest time before the crash. I was lapping really comfortable and almost under race conditions. With just a few minutes remaining for the end of the session I went back into the garage to mount a softer compound and when I went back on the track I crashed at the second corner.  I got a strong blow on my left hand and the thumb hurts but I’m sure Dr. Costa will help me to be able to race on Sunday. I hope to feel better tomorrow to be able to work as usual. 250. Héctor Faubel, 1.38´585 sec, 10th: This morning we had problems with the suspensions and we therefore used the practice session to try compounds and different settings. Right after I started to get faster Toni Elias crashed in front of me and I went off the track. I’m happy anyway, I have a good position on the grid, tenth, and we’ll have the chance to improve times tomorrow. 250. Joan Olivé, 1.39´142 sec, 14th: These practices have brought better results than the first race in Japan; now I’m fourteenth. During the last laps I had a slower rider in front of me who didn’t let me pass. I couldn’t finish my fast lap, although I don’t worry; the weather here is stable and we’ll be able to keep on working tomorrow on the settings for the race. 250. Sebastián Porto, 1.37´098 sec, 5th: I’m happy, the result is good; I’ve been fifth fastest and only three tenths behind the leader. Although we’ve been making a great job, the bike had a problem this morning during the last minutes of the free session, and we still have to find out what it is. I had to use the spare for the timed session and we had only made a few laps in the morning with it. But we managed to improve times anyway and we’ll be able to improve even more tomorrow. We’re on the right route and now we have to keep on working to have everything ready before Sunday. 125. Dani Pedrosa, 1.41´793 sec, 2nd: Im not completely satisfied, despite finishing second fastest at the first qualifying practice. The most important is to have a good set-up for the race and were having several problems with lack of grip, especially in the rear tyre. Hopefully well be able to solve the problems during the next practice session. 125. Pablo Nieto, 1.41´794 sec, 3rd: Im happy; being in the leading group is always nice. But  what is really important is that we are moving on well, the team is working very hard, you can feel it and Im grateful for that. Were all eager to improve and you can see it in the results. Lets see if were able to improve a bit for tomorrow. I like this circuit due to the temperature and its layout; but in the end its just another circuit, so Ill try to do it here as good as in all the others. 125. Héctor Barberá, 1.42´501 sec, 6thº: We had a problem with the chassis this morning and were not able tot find reason. Later on we found out that it was the steering pump that had been  bent after the crash at the Japanese Grand Prix. Its an element that usually doesnt break and therefore we hadnt checked it. I finished sixth fastest in the timed session and I improved two seconds with regard to this mornings time. Ive been lapping faster than last year and I think that tomorrow well be able to make it to the front row.

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