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Spain GP. Races. Driver´s comments

Elias: ‘I didn’t think I would be capable of making it but I made it and I still can’t believe it..’.
MotoGP. Valentino Rossi (Winner) Fastest lap 1.42.788: Im happy with the win. The biggest problem for everyone was traction and during the practice we worked hard on race set-up so that we could control the bike under spinning conditions. Racing at this track is always a dream for a rider to perform in front of so many people. Its fantastic. At the start I lost time I went wide to avoid a rider and lost time. Then I see Gibernau and Capirossi going away and I dont want the same thing as South Africa so I push. I make a good lap and overtake four or five riders and arrive behind Capirossi. I was a little bit more fast and it was possible to go. 25 points is very important for me to take 100%.  MotoGP. Nicky Hayden (retired) Fastest lap 1.44.265:  Im really pretty disappointed because after a difficult couple of qualifying days we actually had the bike going quite good. My start was not so great and in all the jockeying for position in the first corner I got knocked by someone and my whole brake lever system got twisted round. I then out-braked myself and managed to get sorted and got into quite a good rhythm and began to work my way forward. I caught up a good group and picked up a few places and then felt the engine slow a little. I fell off pretty quick not really too sure what happened all I do know is Im disappointed as I knew I was going to finish higher and Im aching a bit now it was a fast place to fall. 250. Toni Elias (1st). Fastest lap 1.45.747: I’m really excited and happy. I still can’t believe it. This weekend has been very hard because I just couldn’t stand the pain. Today I got an infiltration again, but as happened yesterday, the pain was still there. I started well but I couldn’t keep the rhythm of the leading group because I had some problems with the front of the bike. I decided to take things easy and waited until the fuel tank was a little bit emptier. Then I began to ride with the rear; sliding and closing the gap with the leading group tenth by tenth. I saw that I was able to get on the podium and once I had reached them I gave it all and went straight for the victory. I wanted to make up what happened two years ago, when I lost the victory both in Barcelona and Valencia. Today I’ve finally been able to win at home, in front of all the Spanish fans. I want to thank Doctor Mir, Costa and my whole team for the support they’ve given me. I didn’t think I would be capable of making it but I made it and I still can’t believe it… 250. Sebastián Porto (6th) Fastest lap 1.46.256: I’m happy, this has been quite a complicated weekend, including my crash during the practice session and the consequent breakdown of the bike. I forced the rhythm during the race and my neck hurt a lot, but I managed to get some points and I’m satisfied. Now I have to recover from the neck injury and start with high spirits for the next race to be able to be back in the front. 250. Fonsi Nieto (7th) Fastest lap 1.45.996: I’m not satisfied with how things worked out today. I had a lot of problems and I’m paying for not having tested during the preseason the way I would have wanted. We’ll do some testing this week at the Montmeló circuit that will help me to move on. I’m very happy for Toni’s victory, he really deserves it. We’ve been working a lot together this winter and the truth is that it’s been real hard; the fact that he has got the victory is good, we see light within the team and I’m sure that I’ll soon be able to be in the front again. I want to apologise to the fans, because after the results of last season, this season I haven’t been able to be at the same level. In fact, I’m probably more unsatisfied than anybody. But the championship is still open and we have to move on with the will to improve. 250. Joan Olivé (10th) Fastest lap 1.47.322: It’s been a very hard race, among others because we haven’t been able to find a good setting throughout the weekend and because the heat has caused a lot of problems, especially with regard to the suspensions. But the final result hasn’t been bad and I hope that we’ll be able to find the right settings for the French Grand Prix. 250. Héctor Faubel (retired) Fastest lap 1.47.430: This was a difficult race due to the problems we’ve had this weekend, that caused the bike not to respond as good as I expected. I’ve been riding among the top ten at the beginning, but wanting to give it all and taking the risk, I crashed. It’s been a bit my fault, the front of the bike began to bounce in a corner until I crashed. I hope to be able to fix the problem before the next race. 125. Dani Pedrosa (4th). Fastest lap 1.48.062: ‘It’s been a hard race. I started very good, took the lead and with a good pace. Then I stayed a bit behind, taking a rest to be in shape for the end of the race. It was then when Perugini began to make some strange and dangerous manoeuvres; that made me loose time and, worst of all, loose the race. I’m not happy, not because of the result but because of Perugini’s behaviour; I know you have to fight for a good position but surely not the way I had to today. 125. Pablo Nieto (retired). Fastest lap 1.48.029:’ I’m very angry because I was sure that I was able to win the race. When I passed Pedrosa, I knew that I could escape and open a gap. The bike was working fine and I was riding very comfortably, but in the tenth lap the gear lever broke and I had to enter the pits. I’m very disappointed because the victory could have been mine’. 125. Héctor Barberá (7th). Fastest lap 1.48.840: ‘Today has been much better than yesterday, it’s seems as if we’ve found back the rhythm. I finished seventh, a good position because I wasn’t able to ride during the practices. We had a lot of problems but I hope to be in front in the next race..

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