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Marc Márquez keeps testing improvements in Jerez

Three days after the end of the Spanish Grand Prix, Marc Márquez is leaving the Jerez Circuit after doing around 400 kilometres of testing in two practice days at the Andalusian track. The Repsol rider, a rookie in the intermediate category, kept gathering kilometres on his Moto2, apart from testing some new developments for his Suter.

With sun and without the high wind that prevented him from taking the track in the morning, the Repsol rider got out on the Jerez track at 10:30h, making the most of the 25 degrees of ambient temperature and the 24ºC that had reached the asphalt of the track. Márquez did 32 laps until, in the afternoon, the wind started to blow again and he had to conclude the tests.

Today’s work was focused on testing the set-ups of his bike, as well as trying some new developments supplied by Suter that worked satisfactorily for Márquez and his team. The Repsol rider also took the opportunity to do some starts practice and gather more kilometres before the Portuguese Grand Prix, which will take place at the end of this month in Estoril.
Tres días después de la conclusión del Gran Premio de España, Marc Márquez regresa del Circuito de Jerez tras realizar cerca de 400 kilómetros de entrenamientos repartidos en dos intensas jornadas en el trazado andaluz. El piloto Repsol, novato en la categoría intermedia, ha seguido acumulando experiencia al manillar de su Moto2, además de probar nuevas mejoras en su Suter.

Con sol y sin el fuerte viento que ayer por la mañana le impidió rodar, el piloto Repsol ha salido al asfalto de Jerez a las 10:30 horas, aprovechando los 25 grados de temperatura ambiental y los 24ºC que ya había alcanzado el asfalto de la pista gaditana. Márquez ha completado 32 vueltas hasta que, después de comer, el viento ha vuelto a soplar con intensidad, dando los entrenamientos por concluidos.

El trabajo de hoy se ha centrado en seguir probando ajustes en la puesta a punto, además de analizar nuevas mejoras proporcionadas por Suter con las que Márquez y su equipo han terminado satisfechos. El piloto Repsol ha aprovechado además para seguir probando salidas y sumar más kilómetros antes del Gran Premio de Portugal, que se celebrará a finales de este mes en el trazado de Estoril.

Marc Márquez 32 laps, 142 km.
“Today the wind altered our testing plan. Despite that, we were able to test some set-ups for the Suter and I think we can draw a positive conclusion of the two days of tests. The important thing was to gather more kilometres with the bike before the Estoril race, so we fulfilled our main objective. My technical team did a good job and I must thank them for it”.

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