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Good and bad luck for the Repsol riders in England

Luck has smiled differently today the Repsol riders in the first practice of the Grand Prix. With ten minutes left in the morning free practice, the drivers of Team Repsol Honda MotoGP Valentino Rossi and Tohru Ukawa paths have been falling with just a few seconds difference between the two incidents. The Japanese driver has been left worse off, suffering its fall in one of the fastest circuit. Ukawa has been taken to Queens Hospital Medical Center in Nottingham with severe bruising on chest, back and right foot.

In the subsequent medical report has noted a crack in the foot, another in a rib, and a heavy blow on the back. Their participation in training tomorrow is pending status of developments tonight night will be monitored in the hospital. Valentino Rossi, who has been fired in the air for your bike in one corner of the circuit, has suffered a hairline fracture in the thumb of his left hand and a slight bruise on his head. Subsequently it has undergone a CT scan in the Queens Medical Center with negative results, allowing you to leave tomorrow on the second day of testing. Ukawa both for your injuries as a precaution Rossi did not turn out today in the first qualifying session.

If MotoGP at the weekend has not started too well for the Repsol riders in 250cc. the opposite has happened. Both morning and afternoon Fonsi Nieto and Toni Elias have been very competitive, achieving the first and third positions respectively in the first qualifying session. The current championship leader and Nieto closest rival, Italian Marco Melandri finished second. Fourth was the Argentine Sebastian Porto to more than one second and a half of Fonsi Nieto.

125cc. Pedrosa has become very competitive showing in the day today, getting the fastest time in free practice in the morning and the second in the timed behind arch rival and standings leader Manuel Poggiali. His teammate Joan Olive, who arrives in England elated after his podium in the Netherlands, has ended today in the fifteenth.

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