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Report. The human side of the riders

Toni Elías, a family guy
What a role play the following people in your life? Your father Toni.Everything, the most important person in my life. Since my first memories as a child until today, the beginnings of my experiences in the world of motorcycling, I owe him everything. He has always helped me, he is still doing it, and he will keep on doing it in the future. He is my main advisor. Your mother Mey.Just like my father, although, maybe my father has been more involved with the aspect of racing and she with family life, and home. I also owe her everything and she is the most important person in my life. Your sister Laura.My sister… she is so sweet, the youngest family member, fascinated with everything that is happening. She joins us at some of the races and has a terrific time. For her I’m only Toni, her brother, and if there is something I can do to help her I do it, and that’s it. We have a good relationship. A myth in the world of motorcycling?Wayne Rainey, he is my idol and he has been the reference for me; a great rider and a great person. A referent outside the racing world?My parents, they have always been the persons I have admired most. Is there life beyond the races?Yes, why not? Racing is my passion, but I’m also conscious that it is limited in time, it will be over one day. When I’m not racing I like to spend time with my family and friends, work-out, learn English, listen to music, spend time with my friends… The usual things a guy my age would do. Dog or cat?Dog. We have two dogs at home, two Yorkshire ladies, BWs and Mini Sea or mountains?You got me here. Not long ago I used to like a lot the sea, but now I’m starting to like the mountains, so right now, I keep both options. What does fame taste like?I liked it at the beginning, it was something new, but after a while it’s tedious. Anyway, I guess it’s normal, another part of my job, and no matter if you are famous or not, the most important thing is to know where your place is. The swot or the nightmare of the class?The nightmare, there isn’t much of a swot in me… When I learned I passed but never more than needed, always by a whisker. A car?My dream is having a Porsche, but that dream is still far, far away… What model? A 911, of course. Does music calm the beasts?Music is one of the things I like most. I do not prefer any style; I like all kinds of music, except for too heavy stuff. For me it is something necessary. Before going out to the track I use to listen to some music and I also use to sleep with music. Does champagne taste different on the podium?Yeeeees. I don’t like champagne at all, but on the podium I would never stop drinking it! The Euro confuses me?A bit, for the moment, I still do not have it under control, but, well, I hope it will be getting better with time. A quality?I think I’m a good person. Sure, there may be people thinking the contrary, but I consider myself a good person. A defect?Maybe sometimes I’m too much of a good person, but, anyway, you also learn from your mistakes. A movie?My favourite movie is Pretty Woman, the one with Richard Gere and Julia Roberts. Call me romantic, but… A religion?I believe, despite not going too much to church, I trust a lot in the Virgin of Montserrat. Ideologically, right or left?I’m not interested in politics, I don’t like it at all. I live in my world; the bikes, my people and living in peace. That’s all I want. Spain is different?Yes, I think we have it all in Spain: food, weather& I have to travel a lot due to my profession and I visit very beautiful countries, but there is nothing like Spain. Life is very good in our country. I would define myself as…An extroverted person, I like to have fun, make jokes, laugh and enjoy life. I’m also an ambitious person, I fight hard to reach my goals. I like to spend time with my friends and family and to know that they support me.

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