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Repsol riders go back to school to combat bullying

Márquez, Pedrosa, Bou and Fujinami visit the winning school in a contest launched to raise awareness among young people about the importance of the fight against bullying.

“Stop bullying!” Is the message that Marc Márquez, Dani Pedrosa, Toni Bou and Takahisa Fujinami spread today during their visit to the Salesianos Nuestra Señora del Pilar school in Zaragoza, the winner of the fifth edition of a Repsol contest. More than 1,500 students were in attendance.

As part of Repsol’s commitment to stopping bullying, the company launched a contest to combat the problem in schools, for which more than 30 institutions throughout Spain registered. The participating students had to produce a video with an original musical piece linked to the eradication of bullying. The winning school, the Salesianos Nuestra Señora del Pilar, received a visit from Repsol Honda MotoGP team riders Marc Márquez and Dani Pedrosa and trial riders Toni Bou and Takahisa Fujinami this Thursday.

Also present were rapper El Momo and beatboxer Grison, who freestlyled with the words and concepts that Márquez, Pedrosa, Bou and Fujinami provided when asked about bullying: communication, team, help, trust, respect, tolerance, action and reporting. The quartet also answered questions from the children, such as what they think their teachers would think of them today.

This event is the last piece of a series of actions that Repsol have been carrying out to fight against bullying since the launch of the Stop Bullying movement in 2017. This year, they have reaffirmed their commitment through the social media campaign #QuéTalEnElCole and the event held in October at Campus Repsol that brought together experts, psychologists, teachers and parents to explain the different prevention, detection and action tools against bullying.

Marc Márquez:

“This is the fifth consecutive year that we have done this type of event in a school, to try to help children or give them different points of view in relation to bullying. It’s funny, sometimes they listen more to someone who they see on the television like us, than to their teachers or their parents. This time the motto is ‘Stop bullying’; It’s a problem that affects many children and that many suffer in silence. It is very important that these situations are brought out into the open. We have given our support to them and we have reminded them that everyone needs help throughout their lives.”

Dani Pedrosa:

“Being able to share this day with the children and see their excitement about having the Repsol team at their school is a nice way to end the season. You go home remembering that the work and the emotions that you experience are not just your own, there are many people who also enjoy your successes. Many things can happen during the year; everyone has their problems and these actions remind you of your beginnings and how lucky you are. It was explained to us that the class from this school is a group with difficulties and that they worked as a team to win this contest. Their effort is what has allowed us to be here. Coming here to recognise that effort is something that is very worthwhile.”

Toni Bou:

“We have done these types of events with schools for some years now and it is something very positive. I wish I had this opportunity when I was little! Children enjoy it and for us it is also a different kind of day. It is important to emphasise that bullying is present in the daily life of many children, and remind people how to solve it. Sportsmen are people that children look up to, and coming to these schools to talk about this problem and having a good time with them is very positive.”

Takahisa Fujinami:

“As always, we had a great morning with the children. It is very important to speak about this problem without fear; When I arrived in Europe from Japan, I also had some problems integrating, although luckily I am quite extroverted. It is important to surround yourself with support, such as that of your family or friends. Toni, Marc, Dani and I always have a great time at these events and we are very grateful to be part of them.”

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