The humanitarian project that started 3 years ago with Doctor Xavier Mir at the helm and in conjuction with Repsol, is now ready to head to Africa once again.
This morning the trucks were loaded at the ZAL in Barcelona (Zona de Actividades Logísticas), next to the port with the collaboration of the riders in the Repsol KTM team. This load of supplies will be transported to different hospitals in Mauritania and Senegal, countries that the Lisbon – Dakar 2008 will pass through in this its 30th edition.
The whole loading process took plce at the premises owned by the collaborating company Bofill & Arnan S.A. in the ZAL.Once again the efforts of the Fundación are aimed at covering the specific needs of the hospitals in Africa, and although the volume of the material transported has not increased much, the effectiveness has improved. Marc Coma, Jordi Viladoms and Gerard Farrés, were together with the other members of the Fundación Dakar Solidario – captained by Dr. Mir – and were able to witness the final preparations for the project, giving a helping hand in the loading process.
Dr. Xavier Mir
The supplies are growing in volume, but perhaps what I am most satisfied with is the fact that it is growing in effectiveness. Each time we go we take better equipment, and use better transport, more suited to each hospital depending on what they have requested. I think that it is more important than to increase the volumen of the material. For example this year we take something that is special for me, wheelchairs for a hospital in Nouakchott for a group of paraplegics. There, that means not only can they not walk they are on the floor.